Learned Helplessness
How accidentally one of the learning
phenomenon called learned helplessness (LH) was discovered. Both Seligman and
Maier as two psychologists designed a simple experiment on dogs to examine impaired
performance of dogs in confronting
the failure experience (unpleasant electric shock) in 1967.
According to the experiment, dogs were
arranged in groups of three in a chamber or box. The floor of the box had the function to become electrified. The first dog could escape by pushing a panel
with its nose. However, the second dog could not stop the shock unless the
first dog pushed the panel. The third dog was the control group and got no
shocks. After this initial trial, the dogs were transferred to the shuttle box– a box with a barrier in the middle that
divides the box in half as you can see in figure 1.
The result showed that the first and third
dogs quickly learned to jump over the barrier when the floor became
electrified. But the second dog discontinued its escape and passively accepted
the shock despite the changed condition. So, Seligman and Maier mentioned that
dogs had learned that the shock was independent of their behavior and they
transferred this expectation to a new situation. Therefore, dogs learned to be
helpless in confronting the failure experience.
On the other hand, LH applied
in humans and the result showed that the performance of persons impairs when they
perceive that their response to events is useless or affectless on the
environment because of having former failure experiences. “…particularly when those events are threatening,
harmful, or noxious, the psychological consequences [helplessness] can be
profound” (“Psychology,” 2014, p. 518). Also, some studies investigated LH and passive
organizational behavior in organizations. According
to scientific studies, the most frequent feelings associated with LH are
depression, anxiety, hostility, frustration, shame, stress and conflict in the workplace as well. In line with this, one of the performance deficits is known
as organizationally induced helplessness (OIH) in organizations.
As an alternative
view to the causes of LH, studies showed that internal factors
play an important role in LH in organizations. For instance, LH might evolve when
supervisors and leaders attribute a low level of ability or effort to employees
for their poor performance. Also, people without autonomy, independence,
and motivation to goal achievement are susceptible to LH. However, previous
scientists such as Seligman concentrated on external dimensions of existence and
environment as cues for LH.
More importantly, minimizing LH or immunizing persons can
be essential for individuals in their personal and professional life to produce
desirably products, raise standards of life and save resources. For example, it
happens when LH employees or individuals learn and internalize that their
failure is owing to the difficulty of task or chance (an external factor) and their
success is due to their ability or effort. Also, LH can be reduced by
increasing self-esteem and rewarding the successes of the person.
As a result,
learned helplessness is the notion that people in confronting failure or
uncontrollable objects learn that their behavior is not useful and discontinue
it and become passive. So, pretreatment, diagnostic, and reducing of LH is an important issue in psychology and business.
Ashforth, B. E. (1990). The organizationally induced
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model. Canadian Journal of
Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences
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