
Showing posts from July, 2019

Design Thinking

        Many big corporations needed to produce appropriate products to survive. Meanwhile, their survival linked to provide new products that balance the need of individual and society as a whole. In line with this, “Design Thinking” is used as a creative solution-oriented problem solving method that solves the problem based on proposing an innovative solution, new idea, and human-centered framework. L. Bruce Archer was perhaps the first author mentioned to design thinking and both Tim Brown and Roger Martin shifted this procedure in business.       In other words, it is important to know what is proposed will respond to the customer’s needs and consider environmental values. Therefore, design thinkers improve their interpersonal and teamwork skills. They, also, taught that to propose a multifunctional solution for problems. For example, electrical automotive design can decrease the amount of gas which is used annually (economic benefits) as we...

Learned Helplessness

  How accidentally one of the learning phenomenon called learned helplessness (LH) was discovered. Both Seligman and Maier as two psychologists designed a simple experiment on dogs to examine impaired performance of dogs in confronting the failure experience (unpleasant electric shock) in 1967.   According to the experiment, dogs were arranged in groups of three in a chamber or box. The floor of the box had the function to become electrified . The first dog could escape by pushing a panel with its nose. However, the second dog could not stop the shock unless the first dog pushed the panel. The third dog was the control group and got no shocks. After this initial trial, the dogs were transferred to the shuttle box – a box with a barrier in the middle that divides the box in half as you can see in figure 1. The result showed that the first and third dogs quickly learned to jump over the barrier when the floor became electrified. But the second dog discontinued its e...

The Karpman Drama Triangle

The drama triangle is a model of triadic roles or three ways to explore how dysfunctional roles of individuals in relationships can be consciously or unconsciously played as well as the great relationships can be maintained. Relationship and situation is created among family (Fulkerson, 2003; Zerin, 1988), couple (Taibbi, 2011), school (Kruse et al., 1994), police (McDowell, 1975), the business manager, the alcoholic person (Karpman, 2017) and so forth. Drama triangle or Karpman triangle is originated by Dr. Stephen Karpman in 1968 ( L'Abate, 2009). At that time, he was a basketball player and a psychiatrist in the Navy. In his prime, he had an analytic view to formulate strategies of rivals in the basketball game. So, he doodled “30 pages of the popular three-way fakes in basketball and football” (Karpman, 2017, P. 17). Meanwhile, he was attending Dr. Eric Berne’s seminars, the founder of transactional analysis [TA], in San Francisco. Berne encouraged him to simplify his di...